Little Cloud

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Little Cloud 's Guestbook

WarrayfinsonApr 16, 2009

A rewrite? Well, okay. I'll look foward to seeing it \:D. Tell your twin that those videos were random, but in the good way random. Truth being told I like the rain \:\). Maybe it's because my half Irish side is kicking in. That and us Aussie are gratful these days when we see rain. We're going through a big drought \:\(. But I guess with all this rain we've been having lately we should be okay \:\). Forgotten Redemption should be out soon, hopefully. I've been trying to get to it but I find I don't have enough time.

WarrayfinsonApr 15, 2009

Aw, thank you \:wub\:. Thanks for the link as well. The weather was rainy here as well, but now it's sunny but cold \:confused\:. I don't get how they fly with one wing either. Oh, and I found this today: an entire wikipedia on all the Final Fanatsy's!

converse02Apr 14, 2009

Hi! \:D I was actually thinking about dropping you a line the other day, kinda of funny. But I'm doing good... doing the school thing and getting those grades where they need to be. What about you? how have you been?? Any new stories or chapters waiting to be published??

WarrayfinsonApr 12, 2009

Okay, thanks for the idea. Happy Easter to you too. Here have an egg *hands egg over and hugs* Oh, and heres some for your twin and friends *hands over more eggs*. Hope you all havean awesome Easter! \:D

WarrayfinsonApr 11, 2009

Yes I am truly evil BWHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *Chokes and coughes* Sorry, can't help it \:D. I don't think my writing style is that special, it pretty average and basic. 

WarrayfinsonApr 11, 2009

Thank you \:wub\: *hugs* But I still don't feel that great, thanks a lot though, it helped \:\). Yep, I'm and flying out of school. Yay, no more school for now!! \:D Oh, and I almost forgot, I've updated on Silent Destiny, that Final Fantasy Fanfic I did. You can go read if you want. And Forgotten Redemption has been updated! \:D

WarrayfinsonApr 9, 2009

Hi \:\) I'm having a few friend troubles at the moment and my self esteem isn't at it's best. But hey, I'll live, right? Anyway, I'm so jealous of you (Nah, just joking)! So how are the games going?

SkylaneRoseApr 9, 2009

Part 3 of Life of Elisa is published and ready to be read n.n

SkylaneRoseApr 8, 2009

Thanks for comment and will do n.n

WarrayfinsonApr 4, 2009

Well, it's nearly winter here, about a month and a bit to go until we hit winter. Right now its fall, but we usually call it autumn \;\). I guess the real pain about winter down here is that we don't get any snow. We usually get it in the montains. Hehe, it's a lot of fun up there. We've only got snow once in Canbera, and that was about 5 years ago. It didn't last for long, only about an hour. So we didn't get much snow. Summer here is awesome, sure we have to splochon a little sun screen when we go outside, then there's those flies every where and it gets up to nearly 50°C (122°F, I think you guys use °F over there, don't you?) in some areas, but hey it's a whole load of fun. I was born in Summer soI guess that make me a Summer babe \:D. Hehe, now I'm being silly. Anyway, see ya around! \:\) \:D

WarrayfinsonApr 3, 2009

Hi! Sorry again, the last of term tests are coming. Anyway, I know about Crisis Cpre because I looked up on wikipeida and the offical Final Fantasy Site. There is also this really cool site you can go to called Forever Fantasy where they have screenshots and stuff like that from Crisis Core. Here's the link: . I also watched a few youtube videos. I nearly finaished the term s yay, I'll be free in about a week! \:D Ten weeks, wow, I guess that'll be pretty good, huh?

WarrayfinsonMar 31, 2009

GOD, SORRY IT TOOK ME A LONG TIME OT REPLY!! \:o I've been pretty busy, with all these end of term test and everything. As for how you say Sephiroth, its a 'f' sound in the middle, the end it a 'th'. Me and my friends are the most random bunch in our school, I go around singing the Aussie national anthem, my crazy and insane friend sings a song called Robots by Flight of the Concords, my dirty minded friend has been put off sausages and buns ever since I somehow managed to put them off but yet she goes on and on about them, my smart friend thinks she's a timelord fish and my sarcastic friend can do the best fangirl jump and scream ever, she does it on a regular basis :P, nah joking, but she does do it every now and again \:D

WarrayfinsonMar 27, 2009

Hey anytime! Another crash, yesh \:eek\:! How you doing with Crisis Core? Anything new? \:\)

WarrayfinsonMar 26, 2009

HI!! I judt found this on Mod the Sims, I'm not sure if you've seen it but I think you would be VERY interested!!

drewsolteszMar 25, 2009

Hello, and thanks so much for commenting on 'The Gambler', there is a new story posted, 'A Convenient Husband' hope you can read and comment on that as well, cheers~PS And what a lovely compliement, you made my day~~!!

WarrayfinsonMar 15, 2009

Hmmmm, you could try Fanfiction. You know, the place where I post my stories. But, just a warning, there is an M rated section as well. So were talking REALLY adult stuff \:\(. I manage to avoid going there, I haven't ever been there, but from what I hear, it pretty bad \:\(. But Quizella sounds good too \:\). I guess it's up to you to decide \:D \:P \:\)

converse02Mar 12, 2009

Of course, when I'm done. \:D I'll just scan it into my computer and post it up here.

WarrayfinsonMar 12, 2009

Oj really, where do you pan on posting it? \:confused\:

WarrayfinsonMar 10, 2009

I'll cross my fingers and my toes! As for the story, I think you should keep going, it really is very good. Of course the choice is entirly up to you! \;\) \:\) :P

Fizzy9Mar 7, 2009

Hi, ty for the comment on my screenie. I really appreciate it. \:D

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